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To be added to my list of linkies, simply ask. I'm not very strict about this. My only requests are that it be uninsulting, appropriate, and readable. Or I'll sic the Barnes and Noble Stormie on ya.

The Allied Nations (actually just a bunch of other sites, but who the heck cares?):

"And now, for a limited time only, join the TSL Empire and save 10% on every purchase!"

Mhm-hm, Treize Kitty. Doesn't get much cooler than that, eh?
None so far, because you annoying people haven't applied yet!
The TSL Cattery. All the pretty Neko characters I got from Ghost. Visit now. We've got a love/hate/provide-me-with-anime kind of relationship. I live there. You think I'm kidding, but I'm not.

The parts of the TSL Network I feel like making you work to get to, plus a couple of other places: When I'm not at Neopets, I'm here. Trust me. I live here, too.
My absolutely impossible to beat G Gundam quiz. Take it. I dare you. I scored a 30 out of 30, thank you very much. Email me your score, pretty please!

Coming soon to the TSL Network:

Coming soon. Hosted by Quizilla. With images, at that.
Delayed, but hold on to your britches. It'll get here...did I just use the word britches? How unSchwarz-ish.